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The advent of Covid has made many realize that they need to take a more preventative approach to health. A...
Sleep is a precious commodity right now. It eludes so many of us due to increased screen time, work stress,...
As we move into fall, health tonics can help us fortify our bodies for the coming winter. Cold & flu...
Most of us know collagen as a topical agent in skin creams and serums. It improves the quality and appearance...
Supplements aren’t just for maintenance or to support disease conditions. I’m asked the question all of the time—shouldn’t I really...
Essential oils and flower essences are two great ways to take advantage of nature’s healing qualities. Did you ever notice...
Let’s face it; students aren’t always looking out for their health in college. They get caught up in the fun...
In a word, YES! You may have seen recent media reports that question whether supplements are safe and we want...
Have you ever gone to your doctor with a problem, talked for 10-15 minutes, and have them write you a...
Last week my daughter and I decided to treat ourselves to dessert from Whole Foods’ gluten-free fridge full of baked...

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