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Weight Loss: Top 10 Healthy Tips

Maintaining a healthy weight is important to overall health. If you feel sluggish, confused by all the conflicting information out there, or feel like no matter what you do, you struggle to lose weight, consider joining the Winter 2023 session of our Virtual Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle program. It is a 10-week program beginning on January 16, 2023 that will address all aspects of weight loss. This course will give you practical information you can apply to your life right away. Can’t join the winter session? We offer this program 2 – 3 times per year, or you can work with me one-on-one to support healthy weight loss. 


“Achieving healthy weight loss is about nourishing yourself in a better way .”


If you eat a typical American diet, often overeat, don’t sleep well, or are overly stressed, it can be challenging to take weight off and keep it off. Getting to a healthy weight requires CHANGE. A change in the way you view food, the quality of the food you eat, and the environment around you. 

Studies have shown that for changes to stick, it takes 12 weeks to reinforce it. This means it is most effective to begin with small changes that you know you can sustain, and go from there. Don’t try to take it on all at once! Remember that every healthy weight loss plan out there has 3 things in common:

  • Eating fewer refined carbohydrates
  • Eating more vegetables
  • Eating nutrient-dense foods


In addition to the three points above, here are ten more tips that can help!

Tip 1: Quality is King

Garbage in equals garbage out. If you want to feel good, give your body the best food quality you can afford. This means YES to organic, YES to minimally processed, YES to short ingredient lists, and YES to foods that provide a variety of nutrients. (And YES, that may mean reducing or eliminating many processed and packaged foods you like.) 


Tip 2: Eat Whole, Nutrient-Dense Foods

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