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Top 10 Supplements for Relieving Joint Pain

Joint pain can put a damper on an active summer, so read on for some tips to keep your joints healthy!  

Regardless of their source, joint problems usually relate to both the degradation of the structure of the joint and inflammation that puts pressure on the joint. So, you need to feed the joint the right nutrients and put out the fire of inflammation to keep your joints healthy. 


Top 5 Nutrients to Build Joints: CollaGen

1. Collagen is the body’s main structural protein. It strengthens joints, tendons, ligaments, and bones. It also has the side benefit of promoting the health of your skin, hair, and nails. 

2. Glucosamine is used by the body to make compounds found in tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and synovial (joint) fluid.  Many studies have linked the use of glucosamine to the resolution of pain related to mild to moderate arthritis.  It is usually combined with chondroitin, another component of joint material. 

Optimize HA Front

3. Magnesium can benefit joints by preventing tremors and spasms that stress the joints.  Those who eat a typical American diet are often deficient in this important mineral. Use the glycinate form for joint and muscle health.


4. Hyaluronic acidis a compound found in the joints that acts as a water magnet, lubricating the joint. Its absence is indicated by crunching and grinding sounds in the joint.  

5. MSM is a natural source of sulfur, an integral component of cartilage.  It promotes joint repair, prevents joint deterioration, and reduces inflammation.  Take MSM by itself or in combination with glucosamine/chondroitin. 

The second component to address is inflammation. It is a natural response to injury in the joint but becomes a problem when it does not resolve.  


Top 5 to Quell InflammationSoothing Salve 800mg

1. Topical CBD is excellent for local pain in the knees, feet, hips, or other joints.

2. Turmericis an herb that has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.  Its active ingredient curcumin is much studied for reducing inflammation throughout the body.  

3. Fish Oil’s anti-inflammatory effects are supported by numerous studies. They also provide lubrication to the joint.  

4. Boswellia is an herb that is well-studied for its anti-inflammatory properties.  It shrinks inflamed tissue by stimulating the growth of cartilage. Any supplement you use should be standardized to contain 60-65% boswellic acids.  

5. Pycnogenol helps block the activity of the enzymes COX-2 and LOX-5 which contribute to inflammation in the body. 

Dietarily, joint pain can reflect too much acid in the diet, so eat foods that are alkalizing. Most fruits and vegetables fit the bill! Some superfoods for joint pain are pineapple, tart cherries, melon, and any good mineral water. 

Food sensitivities may also be a culprit in joint pain. Milk, soy, gluten, corn, and peanuts are common foods that can cause joint pain. 

So, if you want to heal joint pain, focus on rebuilding the joint structures and addressing inflammation. Combination formulas can help with both. Need more help? Stop by our store and talk to our staff, Walsh Natural Health at 2116 ½ Central St. in Evanston.


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